Sunday, July 25, 2010

Time vs. Effort

Today I cut back the bushes in front of my house.

When it comes to my yard, I'm never sure when less is more. I suppose mowing a little less of the backyard would be a good thing. But taking care of the plants and trees we've got, that might actually be a positive thing, right? I mean, I really don't see what is going to be hurt by getting rid of the poison ivy.

I've been putting off taking care of the back yard because I don't have the time. I have three boys. I have a family. I have a home falling apart on the inside, and I have to make dinner. Who has time to pull the weeds out of the bushes in the front?

The thing is, I felt the same way when I first decided to hang clothes out on a line. I felt the same way when I decided to use canvas shopping bags. "I'll never remember!" I thought. And when I started working out, and when I started making dinner for my family. Each new step I take that will make my life better, life better for my family, I resist at first. I will have to remember to do it. Then I will have to take the time to do it. Then I will have to make the effort to do it. Gosh, it's so much, I'm tired thinking about it and I'm not even talking about anything in particular.

Anyway, I've decided to start taking the time to work in my yard more. I am going to extend the life of everything I have out there. I'm going to plant new things were there are blank spaces. But I'm keeping it easy. I really want to keep it easy and not... perfect. I want things to look like they just happened.

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