Sunday, July 18, 2010

No Trash - challenge

I saw an article on Yahoo about this couple who refused to produce any trash for a year. This is their blog.

Think about this for a moment. No trash. That means no throwing anything away. Everything must be recycled, composted, or reused in a creative way. You would have to grow your own food, preserve your own food, make your own gifts - I mean, everything comes wrapped in plastic.

I think this is cool. I wish I could do this. I wish I had the guts to. And I suppose I've already started taking smaller steps toward meeting this goal. I think if everyone gave this a try, the world would be a cleaner place, a better place.

But it does kind of get me started thinking about the folks in charge. Why is there still styrofoam? Why do people still use paper plates on a regular basis? Why is it that the simplest toy needs to come in three times its weight of plastic? Why now, when we know what we know, are people so stupid.

And yes, I'll say it, it's stupid. If it's a business decision, it's stupid. If it's a money issue, it's greed. If it's a time saving or labor saving issue, it's laziness. This is where my rage takes over, and my disgust at people refusing to take any personal responsibility comes out.

So here's the challenge - less trash. I'm not naive. I know I'll end up producing some trash. But I can really try to cut back.

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