Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lifestyle changes - challenge

I still haven't worked up the courage to do the No Impact week yet.

But I have been thinking a lot about lifestyle changes. That's what this blog is about, really, the lifestyle changes that have to be made in order to adapt to my ideals. Ultimately, I'd like to be living my ideals, and to not have to regret a single thing I do or use all day.

Not that I sit and stew about it, but still, I wince when I throw away tons of plastic or find myself driving around for no reason.

So I'm making more changes to my lifestyle. Or at least I'm giving this a try. I am cutting back on screen time.

I use my computer all day. I have found that I'm watching clips and TV shows while I'm doing laundry, washing dishes, etc. And I'm supposed to be watching my kids, too. It's too much. Additionally, I'm raising three young boys, and I;m trying to limit their TV time, too. I should be teaching by example.

So now, no TV. Fine. TV for them in the morning while I run on the treadmill. That's about 45 minutes. And they also have an hour at night while I make dinner. That's the same hour I'll have to check my email and catch up on blogs.

And as for everything else, no more TV on at night while I write, or take a shower, or read a book or whatever. If it's on, I'm watching it. If not, it's off. No multitasking. (Unless I'm just knitting to keep my hands out of the chips.)

I figure making my life less sedentary and less dependent on energy has got to be a good thing. And it's a change of note, so I'm noting it here. I'll keep the world posted.

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