Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Farm Stand - Eggs

I went to the farm stand!

I've been planning to do this all summer, but somehow I kept putting it off. I mean, it's in our town, but I don't ever just drive by it. It's next to a park I sometimes take the kids to, but the park tends to amplify the temperature, and it's been hot. So we haven't gone.

But today I finally went. I didn't need corn (although I shall make more of an effort to buy it there going forward), but I got beans and a cucumber (a small one Andy asked for in a very sweet voice.) And since they had a sign that said they sold farm fresh eggs for $3 a dozen, I got some.

Eggs have been an issue for me. I would like to buy some reasonable priced, organic, free-range eggs. But our grocery store only sells one kind like this. Oh, there are tons of organic eggs, presumably born of chickens fed organic feed while trapped in itty bitty cages. And there are free range eggs, born of chickens running free and being fed chemicals and antibiotics enough to keep a horse healthy. My eggs cost $4.69 a dozen. Sheesh.

Anyway, I got these eggs, and I took them home and I cooked them up... and they look just like regular eggs. I have heard that farm fresh eggs are supposed to be Sooooo good, supposed to look different, taste different... but these weren't. Which leads me to believe that either accounts of farm fresh eggs have been exaggerated or that we were sold regular eggs and told they were farm fresh. Hmmm....

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