Friday, July 2, 2010


I just read this little yahoo bit about the ozone.

When I was a kid, being responsible to the environment meant picking up your trash and not using hairspray with chlorofluorocarbons. Because the chlorofluorocarbons dug away at the hole on the ozone and made it BIGGER!

I hadn't really heard about the hole in the ozone for awhile. I guess people talk about other things these days, like preserving wildlife and air pollution and recycling vs. organic farming vs. energy use. Our oil based lifestyle can be pretty distracting.

But really, it's all part of the same thing. It is an intricate thing, this planet and the life that lives on it. And we depend on it. Some people argue that we are not the cause of certain changes, that global warming is a myth, that climate change is a natural occurrence, that we aren't sure. But I think we owe it to every living thing to change our ways, just in case. Even if it means we won't make as much money, or might have to give up a few minor conveniences.

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