Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rocky Soil

Some personal issues have come up, so I haven't been able to post as much as I would like to. This sort of thing does happen in life, and just as these crises or issues can keep a girl from posting, they can also keep "being green" from being top of mind.

Nevertheless, today we finally got some sun, and I worked in the yard. I scratched in the dirt and planted a few carrots. I figure this is green, right? I mean, planting your own vegetable garden reduces food miles to... well, how far is the vegetable patch from your door?

But... carrots? I mean, I live in New Hampshire. They don't call it The Granite State for nothing. The little vegetable patch in on an incline, and it is full of rocks. Last year I tried to clear it of rocks. Bad idea. Each rain washes down more soil. The rocks help keep it in place.

And as I was planting the carrots, I kept wondering how many would hit rocks in on the way down. They will have no place to grow.

So... we'll see. Maybe they will work anyway? And if not, it's just a lesson to stick to produce that grows Up.

1 comment:

  1. Bon chance! Sidebar: you have inspired me to be the light nazi at the office. I turn out the lights in the bathrooms and the kitchenette every time I walk past! So you ARE affecting positive change in the world with this blog, my dear.
