Wednesday, April 21, 2010

40 days and 40 nights: A Challenge

No, this isn't about the flood.

This is about the Earth. The planet you live on. The planet we share. The planet we are changing every day by small and large actions of irresponsible neglect or disregard.

I first heard about Earth day when I was in the seventh grade. I had never heard of it before, and the whole idea seemed very strange and "out there."

And now I'm an adult. And I know a lot more. And I am responsible for a lot more. And maybe because I have three small children, I have more of an eye on the future of this planet.

Earth Day is neat. I use the opportunity to try and teach my kids a little something about our effect on our environment. I usually make a trip to the grocery store so I can get a free grocery bag (they give them out on this one day each year.) And all over, a handful of responsible people do things they find good for the earth. They walk or bike to work. They turn off the lights and the TV. They take steps.

And then the next day, they wash their hands of it, and feel good about themselves. They pat themselves on the back for having done something, and go back to driving and keeping all appliances on.

My point is, if you can do something for one day, you can do it for two. If you can do it for two days, you can do it for a week. A month. A year. Yes, it might actually take effort. Yes, it might be inconvenient.

My challenge, to anyone who stumbles across it, is this: Pick one thing. One small, entirely doable thing that will help the planet. Do it for forty days. Don't drive for forty days. Keep your TV off for 40 days. Try not to use plastic bags for 40 days.Run your dishwasher only when full - just try it for a little over a month. It just might become a habit and you'll stick with it for the rest of your life. Or you might stumble back into your old ways. But 40 days is 40 times better than one.

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