Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Veggie Matic

Here's a Challenge: Eat less meat.

Specifically, less beef. Pay attention to how many times a week you eat beef. Replace ground beef with ground turkey or chicken. Try a few meatless meals, like a risotto or a pasta. A chili with beans.

It's the production of beef, the waste it produces, the horrible living conditions of the cows, the fuel burned in the transportation of the actual meat... not to mention the fact that beef is fed a diet heavy in antibiotics to counteract the bacteria..... just read Food Inc. I'm not going to go into it any deeper here. But I believe it's true. I think the industry is corrupt and the result unhealthy. And yet I still enjoy a good steak or a burger. (it took awhile after Food Inc. though)

But for the sake of the planet and the sake of my health, I've cut down on red meat. Twice a week is we're lucky. And one night a week is no meat at all. Every little bit counts.

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