Friday, May 28, 2010

Spending Time

Each time I go to the grocery store, I end up staring at a wall of products in the whole foods section, and make a vow to do more research when I get home. I mean, how can I tell by looking which shampoo is best for the environment? And if I hate the scent it comes in, is a different bottle of the same brand just as safe? Or which breakfast cereal is least harmful? And healthy? And something that does not taste like the pellets for the wood stove?

There are some things I am pretty confident about (yogurt, bread) and others that set my head spinning. For example, there are Organic eggs, and Cage Free eggs, but it's almost impossible to locate the Organic Cage Free eggs - the one that is both.

The thing is, I rarely sit down with my computer and do my research. When I do, the terms seem so complicated and the ingredients so baffling, that I start to feel ill and need to walk away. I mean, I don't know what's in my shampoo. Do you?

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