Monday, May 24, 2010

Car Miles - fail

I've given up on trying to reduce my car miles.

The truth is, I rarely go anywhere unless I have to. I will do almost anything to avoid having to leave the house. But sometimes you just have to. I have to take my son to school. Or pick him up. I need to go grocery shopping so we can eat. I suppose I could reduce our activities, but that just seems wrong.

So, while I won't drive around for the sake of driving, or leave my car on so I can listen to the radio while I wait for school to end, I'm not going to stress myself out wondering if I really needed to bring the kids to the pool or the library, or if we should have just stayed home.

So now I'm going to have to find some other ways to be green. Thoughts that come to mind are:

- going through my soaps / cosmetics
- finding new meatless dishes
- making a few home improvements, such are fixing the leaks around the windows and getting new insulation in certain areas. And fixing a few leaks. And checking the electric wiring in the house.

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