Friday, September 4, 2009


This blog has a lot more of me yammering than I thought it would. So today I'm just going to do what I do best: make lists.

Things I did today that were good for the environment:
- unplugged the coffee maker when the coffee was done.
- washed the laundry in cold water.
- hung the laundry on the porch to dry.
- turned off the paper shredder and unplugged it when I was done.
- did not go anywhere in the car.
- did not use the treadmill (I'm making a plus out of a minus, here.)

Things I did today that were not so good for the environment:
- used rubbing alcohol as a disinfectant on a few light switches and countertops and doorknobs.
- used quite a bit of water while trying to teach my three boys how to properly wash their hands.
- kept the TV on all day so my sick kids could watch Disney films instead of cry and whine.

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