Friday, September 18, 2009

Fashion Where?

There are all sorts of issues concerning clothing and being green.

I wish I could be all concerned about the materials my clothes were made off - nothing but free range wool and organic cotton. No pesky plastic materials. And I am, but I'm more worried about where the made clothing is coming from. And at the end of the day I usually buy my clothing from Target because it' least expensive and most convenient, and I always picture my shirts being stitched together by little blind children in chains using hot poisonous knives.

I looked at a few places to buy organic clothing or free trade clothing online. But I didn't like the styles, or if I did I wasn't about to shell out $180 for a pair of jeans.

So what I did was go to GoodWill.

Thrift shops can be fun. I used to go to a really cool one in Cambridge where they had piles of unsorted clothing you could sift through and buy by the bag. All I had to do was walk into that room and my allergies would knock me flat.

The truth is, there are a lot of good clothes at some of these places. Sure, maybe they have been worn before - not everything, though. And you wouldn't want to buy, say, your underwear there. But the other day I bought myself two pairs of pants and a shirt for under ten dollars.

Recycling clothing. How neat.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! There are some great consignment/resale shops in NYC where one can buy designer cast offs! I haven't been in years, but I think you may have inspired me to give it a go again!
