Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Food For Thought

I always thought people purchased organic foods because they were better for you.

I know know that this isn't necessarily so.

But buying organic IS supposed to be better for the planet because it uses fewer pesticides and those are bad. Poison, actually.

So now when I shop I am trying to buy more organic items. But I'm having a few issues.

For, one, I get confused. Is it really better? And if I'm trying to be Earth friendly, shouldn't I also look for things like packaging and localy grown and produced items? And which is more important? Is an orgnanic potato from Maine better than a regular potato with no bag from Iowa? And how about carrots? I get so confused that when you add cost or sugar or the fact that my family might not actually eat the organic things I buy turning them into waste which is no good to anyone...

I hate food shopping.

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