Monday, October 5, 2009

Heating Things Up

This time of year I always get the urge to turn the heat up to eighty degrees.

It's just the shock of going from summer to fall. Mostly days are mild, but we have our cold snaps, previews of January and February. Cold.

I never really thought much about heat growing up. I do remember thinking that some of my friends had cold houses. But then again, out kitchen was always freezing. Mostly because we had a dog that knew how to open the door, but not close it behind her.

Now that I pay for my own heating fuel - Oil, here at our house - I am much, much more aware of what the thermostat says.

Still, I rarely make it to October before turning the heat up.

I hear different things about what's best to do, meaning what burns less fuel, and is more economical. Some people think that turning the heat down four degrees at all times is the best thing to do. Clearly, this would burn less fuel. But I think we might freeze.

I recently read an article that said you can leave the heat on, as long as you turned it down by four degrees for eight hours a day. My problem is that I can't find the best time to do this. When to turn it down? We don't leave the house - my husband works from home, and I'm here with the kids all day. Turning it down during the day seems cruel. Turning it down at night... I know people turn down their heat at night, but I don't. I hate being cold at night. I just pile on more blankets and then sweat, and then freeze.

So... what do you do? Anyone have any advice on heat in the winter? I could use some.


  1. The only thing right about my teeny-tiny NYC apt is heat -- too much of it. So I always leave the bedroom window open & sleep under a big feather quilt. I love to breathe the crisp, icy air while feeling all warm & toasty. But none of that helps you, does it? Maybe someone else has a good idea!

  2. When we lived in New England, we always turned our heat down at night to about 60 degrees. Maybe you could turn it down one degree a month during the winter to slowly get used to it. I sleep much better in a cool house with down comforters. I miss that out here in Scottsdale!
