Saturday, October 31, 2009

Paper Towels

One of the things I have been resisting is buying recycled paper towels. Other paper towels are softer, more absorbent, and can be purchased in cute patterns or, my favorite, in select-a-size, so you can tear off shorter bits for small jobs.

But just a couple of weeks ago I did it. I figured we used too many paper towels for me to not take this small step.

And the paper towels are really not great. They are more like paper and less like towel. They do the job, sure, and if I had never had anything else I probably wouldn't question it.

And this is when I did something new. I took those old washcloths and dish towels, and I started using THEM. I use an old dish towel to wipe up spilled milk or coffee or water. I use a washcloth to wipe down the table and counter, and I just throw it in the laundry pile when I'm done. I do laundry every day, so they get washed quickly.

We are using far fewer paper towels than we have been, and I haven't had to do any more work. Cool!

1 comment:

  1. I have always used old towels & t-shirts(cut down to smaller sizes), cotton shirts (buttons removed)& even bed sheets & pillow cases for wiping up. And I don't feel to bad when I buy the select-a-sise papers towels 2 or 3 times a year!
