Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Freeze My Accounts

I'm not buying anything anymore.

This month I've purchased so much more than I usually do, mostly because I really needed clothes. But besides the dwindling bank account, we now have more things in this house than I can handle.

So... no more buying things. No more little presents. No more dollar store things. No more extra things. Just what we need. No more pens or paper or crayons. No more boxes of markers like I got yesterday at the store - what was I thinking? NO MORE!

The idea is less about finance, and more about waste and using what you have.

This is going to be harder than it looks. I know, because I've said all this before.

1 comment:

  1. It's incredible how all the stuff adds up and consumes space. I realize this as we are moving again. I'm trying my best to give it to people who want it - anything to not have to throw it away in a last minute haste to get rid of the rest of the stuff. I'm also trying to be more conscious about what I buy. I'm enjoying this blog - when I have time to read it. Keep up all the positive you are doing to make the world a better place! :)
