Sunday, August 8, 2010

An Addiction

I have been finding it hard to watch less TV. I mean to, but the urge to multitask is sometimes more than I can take. I mean, I know people who keep the TV on all the time. ALL the time. So why shouldn't I play a little solitaire while I watch TV reruns?

I couldn't figure out what it was so hard. But I've decided it's because I'm addicted. I'm addicted to television. Not just to any shows - I don't do American Idol or reality shows. I think those are dumb, and the people who watch those are either idiots or enjoy the idiotic. Which is fine for them. I guess it doesn't really matter if it's CNN or Bones, if I think I can't fold laundry without the television on, I've got a little problem.

So, what do I do? Well, knowing is half the battle, right? Next, keep trying. Keep trying until I get it right. It's not heroin, right? It's television. And everything can be recorded and watched later.

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