Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Meatless Monday

I can't remember posting about this before. I might have.

Once a week, I make a point of cooking a meatless dinner for the family. The meat purchased at the grocery store is usually jam packed with antibiotics, mostly to counteract the e-coli and bacteria it's covered in due to the circumstances of the packing, processing, and even the living circumstances of the animals prior to slaughter. That, and the animals waste left by the farms and the fuel burned just getting the meat to the store from the slaughter house... I'm just saying that cutting back one night a week seems like the tiniest baby step we could make.

Honestly, if I lived by myself, I probably would have tried to cut meat out entirely after watching Food Inc.

But alas, I have a family of picky eaters to feed. So far they haven't flipped over anything I've made them. Actually, I've had many requests to "never make this again." High praise is when my husband says "This would go great with a steak!"

And yet I am holding fast. Sooner or later they'll get used to it, and they won't even notice when once a week becomes two or three days.... right?

1 comment:

  1. Right.

    Seriously. Since your brother and I got back from France, I haven't been eating meat (except very occasional seafood) at all. It's a lot easier than you think and really, you don't miss it. I've in fact started to notice NOT craving it.

    Maybe I'll share some recipes... but you can start simple with pasta... do Fettucine Alfredo with broccoli and cauliflower. Or spaghetti with no meat sauce... or risotto with corn and asparagus or ravioli... then you can get into fun stuff with actual vegetables.

    What if you did a fun grilled cheese and tomato soup night?
